Claims Alternate Inspections

Our Promise to You

August 10, 2020 | Tower Hill Insurance

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We recognize the unique challenges and concerns related to COVID-19. Be assured that your safety and that of our team members is our top priority.

Tower Hill has been protecting homes and businesses since 1972. Our insurance policy is a contractual promise. When you experience damage to your home or property, the Tower Hill team is committed to quickly providing you with the assistance you need.

CastleCare, powered by Alacrity Solutions, our credentialed contractor network referral program, is available exclusively for Tower Hill customers. Contact CastleCare at 844.TOWER.11 24/7 for emergency repair services such as leak detection, plumbing, water extraction, board up, tree removal, and tarping.

We recognize the unique challenges and concerns related to COVID-19. Be assured that your safety and that of our team members is our top priority. We offer a range of damage assessment options from in-person on-site inspections to virtual inspections. Tower Hill representatives and our CastleCare network vendors strictly adhere to all local, state and federal requirements related to COVID-19 including face coverings, social distancing and safety guidelines.

Damage Assessment Options

While the policy language includes what’s termed the “Right to Inspect” clause, your Tower Hill desk adjuster may be able to resolve your claim without an on-site inspection. Depending on the severity of damage, we may instead rely on photos, repair estimates or virtual inspection reports that properly illustrate the cause and extent of damage.

Your Tower Hill desk adjuster will be your primary contact throughout the claim process, and will discuss with you the available damage assessment options and answer any questions you may have. We’re committed to providing the assessment option that best meets your needs.

Online & Virtual Tools

Using our secure Customer Portal, you can easily upload photos of damage and supporting documentation 24/7. After logging into your Customer Portal account, select CLAIMS and choose the claim for which you’re providing photos and/or documentation. Then select MY UPLOADS to upload your files.

If you have not already registered your account online, you’ll need the following information to get started: your policy number, agency code and ZIP Code (of the property insured under the policy). When you’re ready to register, visit, select Login and Customer Portal, then click on the Create Your Account link.

Through our partnership with industry vendors, your desk adjuster can provide you with access to an app for your mobile phone or device that takes you step-by-step through the damage assessment process. Our contactless options are available for both interior and exterior assessments. Please contact your desk adjuster for additional details.

Peace of Mind

Thank you for choosing Tower Hill Insurance. We greatly value the confidence you place in us and are dedicated to providing you with peace of mind, not only during storm season but all year round. We’re here for you — please let us know how we can help.