It’s the time of year for spring cleaning! As you’re working on spring cleaning projects around your home, check routine home maintenance off your list, too.

For instance, when cleaning windows, check for holes in screens and areas around window sills that need caulking refreshed. Spring is the perfect time to remove leaves from roof gutters and for checking to be sure that surface flashing and soffits don’t need repairs before storm season.
HomeAdvisor and HouseLogic include checklists to help get you started on key areas of your home. If you have a resident do-it-yourselfer helping around the house, DIY Network and HGTV provide tips for tackling these often forgotten areas of your home.
- Vacuum behind the fridge and clean the dryer vent
- Remove and clean range hood
- Clean and repair window screens
- Check window and door seals
Looking for a more high tech approach? Check out these spring cleaning and home maintenance apps: