More than 40% of Florida residents don’t prepare for storm season beforehand, according to a recent survey by the American Automobile Association.

More than 40% of Florida residents don’t prepare for storm season beforehand, according to a recent survey by the American Automobile Association. If the task of preparing your home and family seems daunting, take it one step at a time. There is the perfect project for every member of your home.

The Record Keeper
Known for their skill at dotting every “i” and crossing each “t,” this is the person to REVIEW INSURANCE POLICIES. Ensure policy details are up-to-date and discuss coverages with the insurance agent. Remember, coverage for damage caused by flooding typically comes from a separate policy. A complete review should include home, auto, boat and flood policies.
The Shopper
Put your favorite shopper in charge of a project he or she will enjoy and excel at: BUILD AN EMERGENCY KIT. For tips on which items to include, the Great Hurricane Blowout and can help.
The List Maker
Creating or updating your HOME INVENTORY will not be a chore at all for the detail-oriented family list maker. This online brochure from the Insurance Information Institute is helpful and, of course, there is always an app for that. Photos or video are helpful. All of this documentation must be stored at a separate location from the home.
The Photographer
This creative type can take a short break from scrapbooking and social posts to work with the list maker in creating an inventory and to DOCUMENT DAMAGE.
The DIY-er
Before a disaster, there is no one better to check that everything is in good working order from HURRICANE SHUTTERS to lanterns than the family do-it-yourselfer. To help, has compiled a list of one-hour, one-day and one-weekend projects.
The Social Director
As usually happens, the Planner and Social Director will work closely together to be sure everyone knows his/her part then practice, practice, and PRACTICE THE PLAN! After a few trial runs, why not try this Family Disaster Plan quiz from NOAA?
The Communicator
In every home there is always at least one person who always knows who’s doing what. Make this individual responsible for CONTACT INFORMATION. Find My Friends (and family) is an easy to use app that this social butterfly may especially enjoy.
The Techie
The family techie will thank you for tasking him or her with managing helpful apps and backup power supplies, such as cell phone chargers and generators. Besides learning how to use all the mobile apps listed below, everyone’s favorite techie can consider these handy disaster-related gadgets reviewed by
The Gardener
Are those trees trimmed and is the fence sturdy underneath the climbing ivy? Ask your favorite green-thumb to do a YARD CHECK before, during and after a storm. The Insurance Institute for Home and Business Safety offers tips for getting your yard storm ready.
The Pet Lover
So, who will look out for the 4-LEGGED FAMILY MEMBERS? Besides extra food and water, add current tags, vet records, leashes and/or crates to their list. The non-profit ASPCA provides more suggestions on how to prepare, plus a free mobile app.